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My Wife


Isn't that true for most men in love? 

I'm retired, and she sells natural skin care cosmetics.


I would visit my wife at work, and hear the testimonials from people whose lives have been dramatically changed by using the right cream, with the right ingredients.


There is something irresistibly beautiful about seeing a happy face, watching a return customer brighten up, or a persons beauty goals become within reach. 


Like most men, I did not know that these women would pay $350.00 an oz for name brand skin care. 


How do you fit $350.00 into a half oz. of anything? 

My wife explained to me, the value of what she did. 


She presented the value of ingredients, in the different lines of cosmetics available, and that's what we do here at Natural Cosmetics Boutique. 


We look for the skincare lines that present the best value, which have all or better ingredients then the name brand creams, for the price that allows all men and women's beauty goals to be within reach. 

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